Tell me a story...
"A heroic film"! - LA Times
“A truly intriguing reality series. This is heady stuff. Ice follies and frolics and pain. No wonder it has this grip on us, and others”. John Doyle, Globe & Mail
"The show's final performance was captured on film and melded with the HIV-positive actor's own life story to create Intimacies; a powerful piece of cinema verite that charts the emotional landscape of AIDS in far greater detail than anything churned out by Hollywood." - Portland Weekly
Nikki (Nikila) Cole of Moving Visions Productions was born to be a writer/producer/director. The daughter of jazz drummer dad, Sid C and mom dancer, Clara, there was nothing she enjoyed more than constantly dancing around the house, listening to music, going to the movies or the theatre (performing as a child actor), absorbing music, scenes and stories like a sponge. Growing up, Nikki worked hard to turn her passion into a successful international career as a dancer and choreographer in London and New York. After n acclaimed career, she studied film at the NYU School of Continuing Ed, winning their Best Film award on graduation and being called "a filmmaker to watch!" Her many awards include Audience Vote for the Best Documentary at Palm Springs for IIntimacies and Best Pilot Screenplay at Oaxaca for Serpent Queen.
After years of writing/producing/directing/show running over 15 TV series including TESSA & SCOTT, ICE ROAD TRUCKERS, and KEEPING CANADA ALIVE, Nikki expanded into narrative projects, like the Award-winning MY FATHER, JOE and is developing several features and series.